Title Date Reason to read
UX/Ui 의 10가지 심리학법칙 사용자의 마음을 읽는 인간 중심 제품과 서비스 디자인 <
다양한 심리학을 보며 UX를 어떻게 더 서비스를 이용하는 이용자를 자연스럽게 행동을 분석해서 행동을 유도할 수 있는지 심리학적인 approach가 좋은거 같음
UX 기획의 기술 : 페르소나와 시나리오 기반의 디자인 프로젝트 관리법 UX 디자이너라면 꼭 읽어야하는 참고서라고 엘리가 그랬음 ㅋㅋㅋ (영문판은 이미 요청해서 구입 중)
사용자를 사로잡는 UX UI 실전가이드 가장 기본중 기본을 알려주는 참고서인듯 (읽고있는 중)
Data-Driven UX 데이터를 활용해서 이게 어떻게 UX에 반영이 되거나 영향을 미치는지 알기 좋을 것 같음 (비록 책을 펴낸 서비스의 예시밖에 없지만 읽어보면 좋을 듯하여 구입)

<aside> 📚 The Cold Start Problem by Andrew Chen



**Start date: 2022.01.10 End date:

Purpose of reading:** To understand start-up’s ecosystem and its environment and also to prevent less possibilities of fucking up while working in a start-up.

What I have learned from it:


PART 01 Network Effects:

PART 02 The Cold Start Problem:

PART 03 The Tipping Point

<aside> 📚 한권으로 끝내는 블록체인 교과서 by 스기이 야스노리



**Start date: 2022.05.01 End date:

Purpose of reading:

What I have learned from it:**

Chapter 01 블록체인 이해하기

Chapter 02 비트코인 살펴보기

<aside> 📚 From Chaos to Concept by Kevin Collamore Braun



**Start date: End date:

Purpose of reading:

What I have learned from it:**

p. 9 Different Goals

  1. The high-level goal of the project

    1. sell something to increase a metric like average order value (AOV) or conversion rate
  2. The strategies that are identified as being likely to help achieve the goal

    1. make it easier for users to find the product

      ex) provide more information about product on the product detail page (PDP) so users can compare products more easily

  3. The measurable objectives required to be able to execute on each strategy

    1. updating product descriptions with specific keywords so that the search algorithm will surface the target product in more search results so users can find more easily
    2. Objective needs to be measurable so you can easily report on whether or not this objective is met
    3. Goals, Strategies, Objectives, and Tactics (GSOT)
  4. Personas or “user segments” that are related to each objective

    1. two types of personas:
      1. backed by data and this is usually simply referred to as a persona by gathering analytics, input from direct conversations with customers, and demographic information from the sales and marketing team.
      2. not backed by data and called proto-persona and is created using anecdotal information gathered from stakeholders. This persona is also important because it can show what your teammates think about your users
  5. Scenarios that are related to each persona

    1. short stories that communicate what the persona is trying to accomplish
    2. also serve purpose of providing context for use cases
    3. should be directly related to both a persona and at least one objective.